NEESPI Science Plan
The NEESPI Science Plan preparation began officially with the Suzdal, Russia
Workshop in April 2003. The first draft of the Science Plan was reviewed
at the Yalta, Crimea (Ukraine) workshop in September 2003, reworked during
the following months, presented to the same external reviewers' committee
and, finally, recieved their approval in authumn 2004. The current version
of the Science Plan is as of December 2004.
3.1 Terrestrial
ecosystem dynamics
3.2 Biogeochemical
3.3 Surface energy
and water cycles
3.4 Land use interactions:
societal-ecosystem linkages
3.5 Ecosystems and
climate interactions
3.6 Topic of special
3.6.1 Cold land region processes
3.6.2 Coastal zone processes
3.6.3 Atmospheric aerosols and pollution,
4.1 Remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems
4.2 Remote sensing of coastal zone and inner water bodies
4.3 Remote sensing of cryosphere
4.4 Remote sensing of surface energy and water balance components