Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative

NATO "Science for Peace" Program and NEESPI Joint Workshop

Extreme precipitation events: their origins, predictability and societal impacts: Statistics in observations and modeling, Odessa State Environmental University , Odessa, Ukraine, May 11 - May 16, 2006

NATO "Science for Peace" Project 981044 has been awarded to the international team of researchers from four countries in early 2005. Scientists from Meteorological Institute at the University of Bonn (MIUB), Bonn, Germany; P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IORAS), Moscow, Russia; Scripps Institution for Oceanography (SIO), La Jolla, California, USA; and Odessa State Environmental University (OSEU), Odessa, Ukraine came together to address one of the critical issues of contemporary climatic change: extreme precipitation events, their origins, predictability, and societal impacts in the Northern Extratropics. Research objectives and a significant fraction of the study area of the Project belong to the NEESPI domain. Therefore, cooperation and data and ideas exchange with the NEESPI scientists involved in similar research have been established and formalized by joining the Project team to the NEESPI family of researchers in autumn 2005. The present workshop is the third one for the Project Team and the first workshop where the scientists from other NEESPI projects and the NEESPI Project Scientist attended and participated in the Project activities. Achievement reports of the research groups in four countries, sharing results from current accomplishments and planning of future collaboration within the Project and with other NEESPI projects, the data availability and exchange, and precipitation modeling were the major topics discussed at the meeting in the ambient atmosphere of the Oceanography Observations Laboratory of the Odessa State Environmental University just a few steps away from the Black Sea shore.

Workshop Agenda

May 11, 2006, Afternoon: Mini-workshop "Role of precipitation extremes changes in agrometeorology" Participants: Anatoly N. Polevoy, Serge Ivanov, and Pavel Groisman (Odessa State Environmental University, Dept. of Agrometeorology and Agrometeorological forecasting)

May 11-12 2006 : Arrival of the Workshop participants from Russia, Germany, and the United States. Informal discussions

May 13, 2006. Statistics in precipitation observations

Location: Oceanography Observations Lab. of the Odessa State Environmental University. Presentations 40 to 60 minutes

Invited Speaker. Pavel Groisman, NEESPI Project Scientist. Observed variations and changes in extremes (view pdf file)
Olga Zolina, MIUB/IORAS. Climate variability in statistical properties of daily precipitation from European rain gauges (view pdf file)
Alexander Gershunov, SIO. Geographic variability of daily precipitation volatility: Probability of extremes (view pdf file)
Olga Zolina, MIUB/IORAS. Seasonality in precipitation characteristics derived from German station collection (view pdf file)
Alice Kapala, Susanne Bachner, Olga Zolina, and Clemens Simmer, MIUB. Long-term variability of precipitation in Germany: Regionalization regarding statistical properties of daily data. (view pdf file)

May 14, 2006. Precipitation modeling

Location: Oceanography Observations Lab. of the Odessa State Environmental University. Presentations 40 to 60 minutes

Susanne Bachner, Kerstin Ebell, Alice Kapala, and Clemens Simmer, MIUB. Statistical properties of precipitation including extremes in the regional climate model CLM and sensitivity to initial conditions and parameterizations (view pdf file)
Alexander Gavrikov, IORAS. Modelling of water budget in Atlantic cyclones (view pdf file)
Serge Ivanov, Julia Palamarchuk, and Victoria Piatakova, OSEU. The fine-scale precipitation structures and the problem of representativeness error (view pdf file)
Clemens Simmer and Alessandro Battaglia, MIUB. Ground-based retrieval of rain and cloud water from polarized passive microwave observations (view pdf file)
Clemens Simmer, Annika Schomburg, Victor Veneam and Felix Ament, MIUB. Adaptive parametrization of radiative transfer in mesoscale atmospheric models (view pdf file)

May 15, 2006. Informal discussions: Specific logistics needs and possible solutions (Hotel "Yunost'", Frantsuzskiy Blvd, Arcadia area)

May 16, 2006. Departure

List of Participants at the Odessa Workshop

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